Launch Pad Release :D + Spooktastic Updates!

Well Tuners , Nani has posted a new news issue and here is what it says! (I put "Awesome Nani! ADD MORE NOWWW! >=)") Check out Launch Pad! Here is a pic of the game and other thing's for non-members:

Here is a pic of the game you can play "Space    Survival":

__________________________________________________________________________________Now let's talk about the SPOOKTASTIC UPDATES! There is first of all new updates in Pod Mods , (furniture) Also in Fashion Bug (new masks!) I'm too lazy to post the pictures so check em out yourself! Thanks for reading. ~Starlow98 

ToonsTunes Network New URL! (Sad news about me..)

Hi guys , you have been enjoying most of my blogging and I gotta say , a load of hit's. Thank you all for checking out my blog..
But today.. I made up my mind to quit ToonsTunes , many times I have failed to agree to myself I will quit. But this time , I am just like Dash , I will not come on daily. I am going to choose a person to take over my blog. I hope you all love the new updates.... Thanks.. Best TT Regards... -Starlow98. R.I.P UPDATE: You can buy the blog off me for these prices.
1. Minecraft (Bought) + 15 Minecraft Diamonds added to my account on there.
2. 400 Robux for Roblox
3. My own Minecraft server.
4. A supply of designs in a post which I can delete. (Design's not to do with ToonsTunes , make a nice banner with Glaceon the pokemon with a square on it's leg's saying "xFrostPhoenix" like this one:
5. Other (not ToonsTunes)

NOTE: You may choose ANY of these choices to have my blog, email me at: RENOTE: GOOD NEWS TOONERS! I failed again to quit! =D Prices to buy are now DISABLED! Hope you all come back on and have a lovely time chatting with me like the past! =D 

New Name!

Hey tuners! Check out the new name! ToonsTunes Network! (No link ToonsTunes Generation still) Well , hope you like our new header! Thanks for reading. 

ToonsTunes RPG News Post Pack! (New Name But No New URL. ToonsTunesRPG is the name.)

Hey Tooners! Almost 4000 hits! Here is a pic:
I was just browsing the widgets when I noticed how many hits we had! (Some of your favourite widgets are deleted becuase of lag. It's ok if they went your favourite. But some of them lagged the blog so I deleted  
 some.) I am packing a page full of some 


 Remember it can come anytime! Also check out my 3 new videos! Here they are:  

Hope you enjoy them! 

GoldenPalace The Platy Loves Me!

Hey Tuners! Check out what GoldenPalace is doing to me! lmao!:
Hope you like it! 

ToonsTunes Encore Party!

Hey Tuners! THE GOLDEN PARTY IS ON! Here is a pic of the fun we had!:
I've also got one with me and my Skylas Gang!:Thanks for reading

Pet Stop Glitch!

Hey Tuners , Check out this glitch I discovered!: 
I went to see if anything new in pet stop was here, and I found this! ME IN THE PLATY CAGE! I hope you like it! 

My ToonsTunes Player Card Stats

Hey Tuners! May of you have been wanting to see my koynz , dymonz , stats , so here I'm gonna give you this picture of my stats! Just down here I have the        stats:
Thanks for reading.


Hey Tuners , I'm a brand new promoter! Here's a picture! =): 

Thanks for you all believing I could! You were right! =D Thank you all for viewing the blog. =) I am glad to be a promoter, not just becuase it's fun... IT'S PRETTY MUCH THE SAME! It is fun and it's like being normal but a few changes. =) Thank you all. If you need a header feel free to ask me on ToonsTunes at anytime. =) I do them for free! =D So feel free to ask. I will make one for you right away =) Thanks, ~Promoter,Starlow98 ;)


HEY EVERYONE im The Game4748 on toonstunes my other account the game4747 got deleted.

New Music Video

Blogger News

Not displaying correctly? Click here
Click to play 

ToonsTunes launches membership, singing and much more!

New features:
  • Sing along with your song
  • Amazing new pods for your alien to call home
  • Gain experience and level up your rock star
  • Earn or buy Dymonz for rare items
  • New animated instruments
  • Become the life of the party
  • Tons of new items
  • Secret shop with special items
  • Plus many more features for all!

400 Expirience

Today i had A Song With 50 encores And This is What I Got

Thanks Nelson

New Template

I Added a nEw Template
Today as i heard the blog was back yay
We Didnt Post No More

Big Kahuna And Dude!

Hey Tooners! , As you may know, Today is the Twin Party! And guess what.. BIG K AND DUDE CAME! 
We were all having a good time then Big K and Dude Appeared out of nowhere! We all bursted with exitment... What could Big K be here for? He also said about ToonsTunes Memberships!  

Tinychat party!

Hello Toons!
I have an awesome party for all of you guys! :)
It's not a party on ToonsTunes.It's a party on tinychat!
I'll be there on CAMERA and I'll be singing! lol
All you have to do is DANCING hahaha :D I'll also be reading your tinychat messages and chat and respond to ya'll! just keep tooned! :P
Also,I will be looking like this.Wearing 3D glasses,headphone and a t-shirt :P I won't wear the same t-shirt tho :P lol.
Lol! Just come on this link :-
I know you guys can't wait to hear me singing :P lol! 
The party details are :-
Where :-
When :- Wednesday , 6th of July.
What :- Magic's singing party :P
here is a count down for the party!

Can't wait to see ya! :P
-Magic,video guru

Official blog change theme and header!

Hey guys, just to say Official blog has new theme it's awesome! It was white but now is Black and I think it's better than old. Don't you think it's cool?

That's it :)
~Blue star

Post from ToonsTunes Crew

I am back and Frog is here!!

Hey Tuners! I'm back, I decided not to quit after all! :D So check out this!! FROG IS BACK!!!     
 Cool Right? 
He also said his brother was the one who hacked it. He didn't do it. How cool! Hes Back! Well. Hope we'll be seeing more of him! 



Hi Guys...  I will not post on this blog again, I hope you will enjoy the blog. (if you think im faking your so wrong!) Well, Goodbye all Tooners.. (This Icludes I will shut down ToonsTunes2Crew and will go to to ToonsTunes and quit...) The only point of me is I am friends. That is why I liked to chat and have fun, So see you around... I quit... 


ToonsTunes - New update!

Hello Toons!
Today , Woot sent a message saying
Server restarting in few seconds!
Be sure to check the new update at login page!
Then , I checked Login page and the update was :-
 Wohooo! I can't wait! :) Also , the 23rd of July is my birthday!
I'm going to make a huge partayyyy! :) Magic loves parties =D
Thank you for reading ,
-Magic,video guru


what i will Be doing this time on my blog is that i will be giving you
The latests News And Sneek Peaks About Toonstunes In
Just 12 Days Guess Whats Coming More Clothes And the memebership Will Be out
Promoters Will Get It first Then Other Tooners

ToonsTunes fasion disigner

hey guys i got a new contest for you all.
all you have to do is to dress your player  and take a picture of your player card

like this:

its easy now i'll tell the prize's
prizes are:
1st-logo drums
2nd-5,000 koynz
3rd-3,000 koynz 

note:you cant use items from other site's you can only use toonstunes item's for your player card  and have to post the link in comments.

post it on

finally got the winner !

winner of lyrics video contest

winner is           nelsonlopez1234
awesome video.
congratulation on winning this contest you will get your logo drums soon.......

heartbreak kid

song lyrics video contest

hey guys i just got a contest for you all .song lyrics contest.
soo rules are very easy take any song of enrique iglesias . you can take any song like why not me , maybe ,addicted and other's and you have to write the lyirics of the whole song with video.its easy guys.
look i made one.

so i think you all are waiting to know the prizes well prizes are:
 1st prize:logo drumset
2nd prize:5,000 koynz
3rd prize 2,500koynz

so what are you all waiting for make a video and post the link in comments
you got 1 week

heartbreak kid

My new post sign!

Hey Tuners, With my ToonsTunes2Crew workers, We have made some "Post Signs" Here are mine: 
I hope you like it, I took a while creating this!!! Please contact me if you would like one of thesE!

on the floor-pitbull ft jennifer lopez

enrique iglesias-why not me lyircs

My Second Music Video!

My second music video is for the song Granade
in case u never heard the song here it is

if u want to participate in the music video lave ur answer on the comments!
or contact me on toonstunes

ToonsTunes Attack Of: Bahuna

Hi Tunners, Theres a ToonsTunes VILLAIN! Here is some pictures I have tooken:
NOTE: If you copy these, We are protected by copyscape, so do not try to copy us, we will just stay fine and your blog will temporially be shut down forever, please do NOT Copy us! 



part tomorrow please go


Tooners We Will Get This in summer 2011 they will be 2 floors pod but u have to buy the membership for it
new furniture 2 heres the pic of it


Hey Tuners... Sorry to say this but we're closed for a while,  Over the few weeks, We have been looking for cursors, But now, I had the blue glow one, Then I changed it, Then It didnt show, So then, I had no cursor, Thats the loading bug problem, Sorry Tuners, We are back on the 18th... Sorry, -Star-

hi guys

im heartbreak kid & im new adim of toonstunes2crew.the following is my player card.


the blog just got like it was at the beggining just with new things at the side of it
and there is new logo wich is our second logo

News And More

Did U know that magic got de-promoted by nanibobo
i dont know  why
but its really sad cuz i dont want to nobody to be depromoted

New Updates!

starlow has his own banner that says posted by him

this is his banner

Visit ToonsTunes Planet!

Hey Tuners, Visit HeartBreak Kid's blog at 

Here is a pic. 

new owner

hi guys im new owner of this name is heartbreak kid. ill be posting everyday.

                                                                   Party!                                                       Location: Blue Deck, Milkyway             

Time: 3PM EST 6PM EST (Uk time is 11:00)       

Date: 8/5/11

Reason: 2000 Hits (Not sure if party is coming     

Hosted By: ToonsTunes2Crew Staff