I am back and Frog is here!!

Hey Tuners! I'm back, I decided not to quit after all! :D So check out this!! FROG IS BACK!!!     
 Cool Right? 
He also said his brother was the one who hacked it. He didn't do it. How cool! Hes Back! Well. Hope we'll be seeing more of him! 



Hi Guys...  I will not post on this blog again, I hope you will enjoy the blog. (if you think im faking your so wrong!) Well, Goodbye all Tooners.. (This Icludes I will shut down ToonsTunes2Crew and will go to to ToonsTunes and quit...) The only point of me is I am friends. That is why I liked to chat and have fun, So see you around... I quit... 


ToonsTunes - New update!

Hello Toons!
Today , Woot sent a message saying
Server restarting in few seconds!
Be sure to check the new update at login page!
Then , I checked Login page and the update was :-
 Wohooo! I can't wait! :) Also , the 23rd of July is my birthday!
I'm going to make a huge partayyyy! :) Magic loves parties =D
Thank you for reading ,
-Magic,video guru


what i will Be doing this time on my blog is that i will be giving you
The latests News And Sneek Peaks About Toonstunes In
Just 12 Days Guess Whats Coming More Clothes And the memebership Will Be out
Promoters Will Get It first Then Other Tooners