Launch Pad Release :D + Spooktastic Updates!

Well Tuners , Nani has posted a new news issue and here is what it says! (I put "Awesome Nani! ADD MORE NOWWW! >=)") Check out Launch Pad! Here is a pic of the game and other thing's for non-members:

Here is a pic of the game you can play "Space    Survival":

__________________________________________________________________________________Now let's talk about the SPOOKTASTIC UPDATES! There is first of all new updates in Pod Mods , (furniture) Also in Fashion Bug (new masks!) I'm too lazy to post the pictures so check em out yourself! Thanks for reading. ~Starlow98 

ToonsTunes Network New URL! (Sad news about me..)

Hi guys , you have been enjoying most of my blogging and I gotta say , a load of hit's. Thank you all for checking out my blog..
But today.. I made up my mind to quit ToonsTunes , many times I have failed to agree to myself I will quit. But this time , I am just like Dash , I will not come on daily. I am going to choose a person to take over my blog. I hope you all love the new updates.... Thanks.. Best TT Regards... -Starlow98. R.I.P UPDATE: You can buy the blog off me for these prices.
1. Minecraft (Bought) + 15 Minecraft Diamonds added to my account on there.
2. 400 Robux for Roblox
3. My own Minecraft server.
4. A supply of designs in a post which I can delete. (Design's not to do with ToonsTunes , make a nice banner with Glaceon the pokemon with a square on it's leg's saying "xFrostPhoenix" like this one:
5. Other (not ToonsTunes)

NOTE: You may choose ANY of these choices to have my blog, email me at: RENOTE: GOOD NEWS TOONERS! I failed again to quit! =D Prices to buy are now DISABLED! Hope you all come back on and have a lovely time chatting with me like the past! =D