New Writing!

Hi Tuners, Star here, I was doing some stuff on my other blog's and I noticed this writing. :) So I have now, FULLLY UPDATED IT!! Stay Tuned for more, Star over and out, -STAR-

Platy Song Contest

1. Create a song and name it “Platy”.
2. Collect as many encores as you can over the next couple of weeks.
3. The TT staff will then select the 20 most encored of the “Platy” Songs and choose 1 of those 20 to be the new background song for Platy Park!                                                                                                                                                                                             NOTE: This information was taken from TTOB.

Glitch, And Debbie's Pod!

Hey Tuners!, Debbie came online =D And I also discovered a new glitch!
Also!, We had a mini concert! -Star-

Epic toon party hat is back -=D

Hey Tuners!, THE EPIC TOON PARTY HAT IS BACK FOR 9,0000 Koynz =D Lol high price, Well here it is : 

My Toon.

Here is the picture of me.  -Star-
vidur here im ganna start posting on this blog i just joined, my acc on toonstunes is starlow88 u might have seen me on TT anyway, ill be posting stuff every once and a while so stay tuned.


Header Released!

Hey Toons!, I just released a header!!! Hope you like it also click "Toon-Tastic" If you like this header! -Star- PS: Thanks for visiting.

The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough

New video for Japan

St.Patricks day review

We were all(almost) excited for the party and waiting for it.
Everyone was waiting for Big Kahuna and Luckyme.
Then when the party started Big Kahuna appeared, he did announcements.
His 1st announcement was:
He is going to do another concert!
His 2nd announcement was:
A new contest in which you have to name the song ''PLATY'' and then the staff will choose the song and then the song will be officially chosen as the Platy Park music!!!!!
Then the costume contest started and the winners were:
1st.Moonz~For being a clown leprechaun.
2nd.Alakazam~For being an orange colored leprechaun.
3rd.Toonstunes City(Kois1)~For being a rocking leprechaun.
Then when 30 minutes passed we all went to cellar.
After that Big Kahuna added me to his band BK Undercover and we all had so much fun, Big Kahuna officially released his sung songs along with another song sung by girls(Dunno who they are).
We also played Hide & Seek(No rewards only for fun) and it was so fun i was the person before the last person to be captured.
Big Kahuna,Luckyme,Nanibobo,Bill,Jackson, and Debbie appreared at the party.
It was so much fun, thank you Big Kahuna,Luckyme,Nanibobo and Bill for a wonderful time.

Japan tsunami




ToonsTunes Glitch....

Hey Tuners, I found another glitch I just saw that GuitarHero's name was half dissapeared  so Junaid - M Junaid , Stepped to where it was. And he totally lost his name! :  -Star-

ToonsTunes2Crew Happy St.Patricks Day & Quick visiting...

Hey Tuners, Here is the new video me and TG made : 

Some kind of party?

I just logged on and I got a message so I came to the "Cellar" And check it out! Lucky was on!! -Star-

I am nicole123luv

You may  recognise my writing from and other sites
About me
name: Nicole123luv
Age on toonstunes: +100
I love toonstunes and i am happy to join starlow and thegames blog!!

Happy St.Patricks DAY!!!!!

                                     Happy St.Patricks Day!!
Toonstunes2Crew workers: The Game4747,Starlow98,Nicole123luv,Beb2-WiggleBottoms

ToonsTunes2Crew! (Shown on side)

Please subscribe me on youtube thanks and I will make more youtube vids on toonstunes thanks! :D
and keep coming!!

Food Glitch

Hey Toons!, Today I discovered a weird glitch! :  Here is how to do it : First go to "Instruments" On your player card then click your pet (If you have 1) Then this should happen! I wonder if this will be fixed? -Star-

200 Songs :D

Hey Toons, I just reached.....200 SONGS!!!! :D : Heres my pic!

Happy St.Patricks day!

Happy St.Patricks day! -Star-                                         Click To Enlarge

ST.Patricks Day Items!

Hey Toons!, Sup? I was just hanging around (Like Always) And I got a message :) So I found a item in fashion bug! Here it is : Also! There is a new poster in the Pod Mods in lamps :) Stay Tuned for more -Star-

..........200......... Songs.......... Reaching....Close.....

......Me.......Just.....REACHED 189 SONGS! Just a few more to go until 200! YAY!

I have quitted ToonsTunes.!UPDATED!

I am sorry all Toons, Mj has made me quit I do not trust him and he is trying to make my bro hate me! I'm so sad I have decided to quit please spread this out to all tooners, I have quitted I will not return until I get enough messages saying "Come back" Then I will come back, Sorry everybody that you have heard this! I have chose this it is MJ's fault. I will never trust him again. I'm sorry, UPDATE: I have trusted him one more time one more fight and i'lll quit but I will quit if when Pcchip321 get's un-banned and fights again.-Star-

My Bestest Friend of 4 People

Hello Toons, My bestest friend is Kois1, Pcchip321, _Swan_,20master,TheGame4747,Blue Star, Well I say they're all first :D And they are! I really wish I could make them both first. Please comment. I advice you to comment if you are my friend I will add you to this post, Tommorow, Thanks for reading -Star-                                                                                             NOTE: I will update this post everyday so don't worry if you are my best friend I will see your comment or I will check my buddy list :), So don't worry! I'll add you soon to this post, Bye!

I'm nearly a pro :D

Hey Toons, I only need to get a few more concerts and then share some songs! So here are some song's:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hope you like them :)

170 songs!

Hi Guys I reached 170 songs :D. Here's pic:  Yay I reached it!

ToonsTunes2Crew Video Awards.

Hello Tooners! I have made a thing where I choose a video about ToonsTunes and I post it and a big congratulations to the winner! Here is this weeks video.